About Us


I’m Arleen Wood, founder and owner of URLOVED. I'm a wife and mom of 3- Noah (21), Cami (19), and Eden (3). We live in the beautiful town of Mililani on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Lord gave me the idea for the company in 2018, when I was pregnant with my daughter Eden. I had dreamed of starting my own business for years and was excited when He began to lead me in this direction. The Lord showed me a vision of the simple logo and its two-fold purpose: to remind those who wear the products that they are loved by God and to tell those that see the logo that they are loved. 

The logo is a great talking piece to spark conversations and share testimonies of how God's love has transformed our lives. The Bible says in I John 4:19, We love, because He first loved us. God demonstrated His extravagant, unconditional love for us when He sent Jesus to the cross for the punishment of our sins. 

I am a testament to the power of the love of God! It has radically changed my life. I came to know the Lord over 18 years ago when I was a hopeless, rejected, deeply wounded and depressed young mom with no self-esteem, raising 2 toddlers on her own. His love embraced me in my brokenness and healed my heart, filling me with peace, joy, and hope. He gave me purpose and a new identity: His beloved daughter, forgiven, accepted, cherished, chosen, empowered... I could go on and on because the more I get to know Him, the more He shows me who I am in Christ!

It is our hope that hearts will be touched by wearing and seeing our products and that many would come to know the love of God and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.